What is Chain Lynx?
Chain Lynx is a community within Bicycle Garden. We run drop-in hours for exclusively for women, trans and gender-people people to build, repair and maintain bicycles. We have volunteers on hand to help you learn and fix your own bike. We welcome all people to become a Chain Lynx volunteer – learn to build, maintain and repair bikes with and for our community!
From time to time, we organise Chain Lynx rides for all abilities and bike kinds. These social rides bring our community together to discover new routes and build confidence in the saddle! Follow our Facebook to keep up to date with our rides and events.
When is Chain Lynx open?
Chain Lynx is held on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month from 6pm to 9pm at Sydney Park Cycling Centre.
Who is Chain Lynx for?
We provide a welcoming workshop space for women, trans and gender-diverse people to work on bikes, volunteer and build community. It is a space for people who do not benefit from being a cisgendered man. While we are grateful for our allies, participation in Chain Lynx workshops, rides and events is exclusively for women, trans and non-binary folk. Thank you for understanding and feel free to contact us about other ways you can support the Chain Lynx community.
Our Intention
The bicycle mechanics industry is traditionally male-dominated. Chain Lynx addresses the challenges that many women, trans and gender diverse people face when trying to access bike mechanics and be part of the cycling community. We aim to create a safe space for learning and socialising, with the aim to empower one another. We encourage, support and celebrate the representation of women, trans and gender-diverse people in the bicycle world.
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